Can you help?
You can really help us in these simple ways:
1. Raise Awareness
Share this website with your friends and contacts by email, on Facebook and through Twitter.
Let people know about the struggles of Maasai widows and share with them the vision and actions of Naserian. Why not visit:
Our Facebook Page
2. Donate
Our main cost is our Tanzanian Coordinator’s salary. His work is vital to the Naserian projects for local Maasai widows. Any contribution you can make will be much appreciated. Use the following links to make a secure donation:
Donate £10. Donate £25. Donate £50. Donate £100.
To donate more than £100, please contact us and we will gladly accept whatever you wish to offer.
3. Volunteer
Volunteer at our centres in Tanzania by visiting surrounding communities, offering support from Naserian and running workshops to empower local Maasai widows. Trips are organised by Serene Communications to take place in July annually.
Download the information booklet for 2017 here! And read Gemma’s testimonial on why volunteering with Naserian and through Serene is unique, life-changing and truly impactful. Serene Communications can assist with any questions you may have about this opportunity, we hope to see you in Tanzania soon!